Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)

1. EIGHTEEN MIDDLETOWN TIMES HERALD, MIDDLETOWN, N. TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1530. Gay Nineties A Joy Here (r'ontleurd from Page 17) principal, Miss Minshall, to the Schouts comtur of Superintendent a Morelos, For Wo lo HOC member that we ever were and very the drastle elven 115 the order we must stay $. heel (PerS ulcht for a and welk home with the pal.

Miss, This Drought about by a penchant had tar jamping aver the it- M. D. Stiver': sin! 4:1 Wikham avenue, melting We lave never stoica any shrubs de. Tho Fourth of Juts of July was vi: 400: of the year in irl: In, and every boy made the mos; of Mo-: el the boys of hunched 4 it in for uf July and plans were in adrsno. Usually boys had tent or hut Hi- backyat! and theme the the fourth.

Notts gr: and ommunition: there3 for supper on 47 fu: 13: coirbratian TC PH: 139 Every bor had a lie; the tor. ct the present da. honest tie boys Bat there L- who had ball ard mondo: 10. 8: tea: Net never 27:. in.

alwa! started. and continued all her: a74 lone AR coati awake 133i 21 midnight some would set 79: betis would and and shop to shriek. hour 1:: 4- boys air 3, oft (. Monad the crowds ON diminished after a ahem vore al: lept the ton inS abd nigh; on 44y. Uno had right aste oze We wee A3: Si North street fast be- ed :20 oz Hat Works, LuV 4:.:: and on dis lie no in the 1: air was: Pr 1.

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.:.1 :1: 124 32 1 In: con 1'P- 116 PAL 1. is And Mr. Pi. a 1.1 4 ii. brt: me 102 Mi JD! lie: had happened they were frightened, At first 311 await pledged but as thorities to their fuccatigation the accident began 10 get ru- the trail tho 11053 dechted pun- make a clean breast of thete most In the acar tragids and being tathurs.

We don't know Just after happoned bat there was no mtvnth cation. althongh the town for weeks over the as are opiulon that NECk nei tement Was reached with' feuce Bodine which let the tors it had scrape. and The Bachctors AR these things were at st In our young days but ever better times coming. The Tavalr-fourth company was orsanited One used the old Casino match in site of the present pied ll. ton theatre as ita armery.

there W31 Also 3 roller the rink on the armory Door. dioring and roller skating poputar. The best at one fo scined the Twenty Separate commEr and we all! that wea some Its social attairs worn Ilie 12c; ter crents skating of the rink towa. was And the at one popular places in the All went well uatil Casino went ep smoke and for a limo the Tweaty fourth Separate company and el skating plus were non Then the new armory for years the Twenty Setarste compaar mas the tac National Guard of the and in a marial way 5: had no p.ritor. 130: :1 mos about this tiano the Backetors' Social formed by a namher at the ing 3 005A men 0: the city.

st; hse came to be knowa The Rachelors and the altairs they palled oft in the Assembly Roomy were the delight of rouse red cid. We remember the cal br Nelson Reapp, Warren Adame. Char-: les Adams. Arlington Ambler, Tom Rogers, Fred itogere. Gibbs.

Bassell Wiggins, H. Royce. John C. it, Taylor, Chick Hichan and others too to meation. Those named mere Sat the forefront of crery social: event azd the fame of The was nation ride.

Eren charity baliz Af recent rears act held a cradle to the bacheloss' bops held in the old We ran on of tho doings creditable and of the DOTS Nad Firs ct the gas niceties, hat hare ::13 of those days in Trove var Patel that re Sad more! 10 tori sears ago than people ate harte: 10-: 135 we wit 10 out Tre might hate added that the old dATs ibe tire campanies: ere social centers and we could: a to the daints of Excelsion Hook and ladder in Mast of b075 at Escritors mere Also of the SerarC: The the of their Mistory wanid be a repetition, We lite to tell of some the tun old Aradoms 223 DE The Area: of July held la en Hoes. and of the doings 2: the da Ron, Cite sard the S. and el ol Did fires that companies had to Mint vould tase paces and 19 the It more more 42d more 1.0 4. tie boa .5 r. Wet Senate Aspirant Providition is destined to play major tole in the Democratic BuT.storial primary Lines one of Ohio's leading velc, Robert Bundles, of Cleveiand, former has hir candidacy.

He it understood to be 42 advocate of Mate's rights in banding the liquor problem. Ye Olde Reliable Specialty Shop 1974 39914 Exclude Merchandi-: fo. J4 stOPS Originators in Middletown of TRIUMPH Silk Stocking W. B. Svehline Styli Cor: 01 1: 11 6: Comfort COLLEGE GIRL Brassieres and Corsoletti Bleedguarters for 9 The CHARDONIZE NO RUN LIPFELD'S STYLE SHOP 4 931 the on: NEW POWELTON GOLF CLUB HOUSE Whr2 tiro destroyed the old of the Powellon Guit Clad at Newburgh last Fall the Club was temporarily.

wIthout hradquarters. Tails modern structure is nearing completion, County Planning Board Ily ROSCOE W. SMITH Orange county may Ere likened to a stumbering giant who has been asleep for centuries and is slowly awakening. If the people would undertake to plan the future development of all of Orange county. what a lot of mistakes could be eliminated! A wellpaid ptanuing counnission with full power to act, which, of course would probably mean some new laws, could work wonders.

Other commanitics hare madel great may mistakes throngh lack of proper planning. Who! Farbage, ting, abandoned would Daring think of balling a house hiles terlals add mBT other he deposited, discarded Instead TUR: out extensive grounds land caping without proper of leaving them almost erersThe 070 who does where, st present. The back work withent pians usmalle docs Fards of many homts, especialls bare much to show for his in all the kinds tillages, of rubbish are littered wilt when he is through. and are A commission with broad vi. disgrace.

Travelers ON trains ion could help plan roads for passing through the communities cannot help but see slabts that, to future with and would not be couroad; such say the least. are not tarting. as are being which (ur best roads are being lined befit, are no; crea with adequate for all kinds of road stands-the present das Most of Ike mANY more than are noodled-and construction with all kinda quirements. 200 ot sign hoarda. follows should A formerly dr and The commission hare por.

Dhich. in torm- or to regulate both of these. Land turn, were frats used by our alone highways would be worth who rode ou horsehack. much more for residential pur. ty with proper regulation ot Entirelr nOR roads latands and be laid out and arranged land 1s turned into teal tast and slow and, tra the.

11 is not necessary estate subdfrisions and there should be some regulation as 10 construct them all at the pres. size of lots and piots and sime, but rights of war should the kinda secured before the land of buildings that may too much En valuo. erected on them. At present, to be some of these subdirisioca in very Land should be bought for park desirable localities being mercatin areas, Farul land. prided Into lots with.

should incinded. Er, the ANY types of restricliona: bulldings consequent- placed and monntains, raliesa and Land be bought for fit- them are Inferior in alrports in sereral strategic and auchitectnro. with the design result that there is a blot on the landlocations. Land should he bought for in and surrounding that mater supply, for the development that will be hard is small Tilinges but with overcome for MART thooch: in tnind that water! It 18 hich time that sante ser misut he laid along All thought be giren 10 these NE futore growth. is much caster and less ensilr to roads when this is war- martens befaro it is too late, It ent.

shanid be bought for pub- things rich! in the dumpina ground. where than to correct mistakes after- now oi reinse, such 19 ashes, ward, Tuxedo Park In Agaring value of Its bullding Sm menta thia your de the of thousands of dollars. 110 year. in fla bletory since curly days of dorelopment yours ago ban Acca no much mancat and visible there, found Agares for the public and bualacss buildings coutly completed, now In struction or projectod for mediate future are $975.000. Taking them in the order their completion, there are Manonte Temple, which cost poo.

finished Just a year ago still the newost building village; a ten dollar dittos to the Postom.es: Lu thou to the nurses' home al redo Memorial Hospilal at a of ROd building costing about Aud intended to replace the ins rated by fro last ml a new selinol al a cost of $500,000. The Masople Temple, a lug white building of Greek chitectural style, sets on the sidle back of the bustuess Is risnout doubt Elle striking building in the rillago cause of Ila variation In alyle. The postsfice, built of stone In a atyle that with thouga does not Imitate park association buthlings street, has been doubled br a northward addition large lay viadow elect. work was completed and ment Installed in twe to of the Christmas rush, expected to proride ample cilitien for accommodating Sinumer mall tratte rush. Accommodations of the at tho hospital will also doubled, chiefly to provide for the mans apecial aro brought there in additinu tho eleren nurses on the addition.

to be completed November, will hare oight reoins, a large living room, writing room and three bedrooms and baths wit De munged whole in will the bare present accommoda- bulidlag. for 1 Kenty nurses, haspital Itself, completed iu said 10 be one of the equipped hospilals oulside of City. An Orange counts woman, Mist Millicent of Chester. is superintend- The store and ofice being halit on the site at one. will be 160x40 THE GAY NINETIES MIDDLETOWN'S LEADING ESTABLISHMENT FOR PAINTS.

WALL PAPERS AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. Copyrah: Lat: Ca. by All Tuxedo Park Progress to Break Record This Year Here the auof close to to part their whal prosewar Incident, a setMr. ant of vital boyhood nore Sep. and orcaStrat- And skating Solmore Inc fourth! re.

big; net- rill-! along in rol- i est. auf -fourth a pride state. com- for for that was lead- not It the tent ticJoho road Jim used D. ferly should for the! truck to cat be encases for tune present the mains proved ranted Land lie Liads Cost of Public and Buildings Recently Completed, New In Construction or Projected for the Immediate Future Is Masonic Temple a Show Building the (ANd is lutvaded to houn the hardwure and furallare, drug aud hundreds Probably thro perlwprovement variety storea, denial elber which are scaltered about town in temporary sluce Are. IL will be a Trepropt batiding of English gabled design harmonising well with the Tuxado Park association office bulldIng next to It.

The tar only, debuite information. HO armilabi. Is that Is to built near the presont high school buflding with Lunda suppled largely by Raker and George M. Masons, Cleorgo tombori ot tho The bullding jerk a heen let. Tho contract has tot Del Lu robiore veteral is plan, 107 of foot from ly to the of the bi which the aouthern rad of bighe.ar 31 to move 3 dozen nt Ag Pottagra which arm 11,0 sire Bruposedl kelt st the 11103.



PAINTS. FROM THE FINEST MANUFACTURERS MIDDLETOWN WALLPAPER PAINT CO. 33 James St. Opposite Stratton Dial 3720 of the And le the adaddi- Tuxcost otco $150.000 buildFebruary probable gleaman hillstreet, mast be- native the across la with The coulptake IL the nurses' be quarnurses star. in bedporch nen AT- The 1924.

best New the feet (Coprrichs WHy Co. Repriaied by Ay rigale THE "DUDE" BURE-FIRE LAUGH ARTISTS THE THE KIN A HD 01 OF DAY. AND A HOW ON ANX. STAGE TO THE COMIC Pride of the Amusem*nt Industry antent Paramount Publix Corp. Guarantee To the Public of the World's Highest Standard Entertainment Paramount-Publix prides itself with having rd from a most humble place in the amusem*nt industry its present achievement as the leading theatre organiz: tion in the world.

Your magnificent new Briddletown 1'Alamount theatre represents the most advanced ideas with respect to construction, equipment and decoration. It is equipped with mammoth cooling and air-conditioning plant, beautifully furnished lounge and rest rooms, and many other exclusive features. Highest standards of superb entertainment in your cathedral of pleasure places the new Middletown Paramount Theatre as a glorifying triumph and supreme realization to the pioneers of this great industry that progressed the institution from a disreputable gypsy origin into an honored and civilized force that is felt and appreciated from the tiniest cross-roads hamlel to the splendor castles of the mightiest metropolis. Middletown's Cathedral of Pleasure paramount FUBLIX COMIC Ta..

Middletown Times Herald from Middletown, New York (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.